Jenkins vs GitLab CI CD vs TeamCity

January 20, 2022

Jenkins vs GitLab CI CD vs TeamCity

When it comes to continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) tools, there are a few popular options in the market. Three of the most prominent ones are Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and TeamCity. In this article, we will compare these three tools based on different factors to help you choose the best one for your organization.

Installation and Setup

Jenkins is an open-source tool that can be installed and configured on different operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. It requires Java runtime and can be installed using different methods, such as package managers, Docker, and Jenkins installer. Jenkins also offers a web-based UI and a vast collection of plugins that makes the setup and customization process more manageable.

GitLab CI/CD, on the other hand, is a part of GitLab, an all-in-one DevOps platform. It is built-in and can be easily enabled in the GitLab instance. GitLab offers both self-managed and cloud-hosted options, making it convenient for organizations with different setup preferences.

TeamCity, like Jenkins, is also an on-premise tool that can be installed on different operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. It requires a server to be set up and offers a web-based UI to configure and manage the tool.

Winner: GitLab CI/CD

GitLab CI/CD takes the lead for the installation and setup process because it is already included in the GitLab platform, making it convenient and easy to set up for users.

Ease of Use

Jenkins has a slightly steep learning curve for beginners, but it offers a web-based UI and personalized dashboards that make the user experience more manageable. Jenkins is quite flexible in terms of customization due to its extensive plugin collection, but this may also result in confusion for new users.

GitLab CI/CD has a user-friendly interface and offers advanced features such as parallel testing and deployment that make the process more efficient. With GitLab CI/CD, the learning curve is less steep, and users can quickly start using the tool without much training.

TeamCity also offers a web-based UI, but its learning curve is steeper than that of Jenkins and GitLab. It has some advanced features like parallel testing and JetBrains integrated team tools, which makes the tool more powerful for users who are willing to invest learning time.

Winner: GitLab CI/CD

GitLab CI/CD takes the win for ease of use because it has a friendly user interface and offers advanced features without a steep learning curve.


Performance is a crucial factor when it comes to CI/CD tools as it can impact the software release process. Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and TeamCity all offer excellent performance, but with slight differences.

Jenkins and TeamCity are known for their excellent performance as they allow users to continue working offline, and they don't have a dependency on the network. Jenkins also has a considerably active user community, which keeps the tool up-to-date with the latest performance enhancements.

GitLab CI/CD offers quick feedback on code changes due to its parallel testing feature, making the entire CI/CD process faster for users.

Winner: Tie

Jenkins and TeamCity have impressive performance, while GitLab CI/CD is faster due to its parallel testing capability.


CI/CD tools often require integrations with different third-party tools, such as bug tracking and project management software, for the development process. Let's see how Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and TeamCity compare when it comes to integrations.

Jenkins has a vast collection of plugins that allow integration with different third-party tools. Users can design their own plugins and take advantage of the existing ones to integrate with popular tools such as GitHub and Docker.

GitLab CI/CD integrates well with the entire GitLab platform, including GitLab's other tools such as the GitLab Container Registry, making it easy for users to build, test, and deploy their projects through one platform.

TeamCity also offers a wide range of plugins that allow integration with different tools, such as JetBrains team tools and Amazon S3.

Winner: Tie

Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and TeamCity all offer excellent integrations, and it ultimately depends on the user's preference and toolset.


Jenkins is a free and open-source tool, making it one of the most popular options among users. GitLab CI/CD is free and included in the GitLab platform, but GitLab itself requires a subscription for commercial use. TeamCity offers both free and paid versions with different features and support options.

Winner: Jenkins

Jenkins takes the lead for pricing as it is entirely free and provides a vast collection of plugins that are also free.


  1. Jenkins: The Definitive Guide (Second Edition) by John Ferguson Smart
  2. GitLab CI documentation
  3. TeamCity documentation

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